Modern Braces & Clear Aligners in Spring, TX

Get In Touch

Please reach out and contact the Brightside Braces orthodontic team to take the first steps in your smile transformation and live life on the brightside.

We proudly serve patients of all ages from Spring, TX, and the surrounding areas, so schedule your first free consultation with expert orthodontist Dr. Brandi Lewis.

Get Started

Spring Orthodontic Office 

Brightside Braces
3921 Woodson's Reserve Parkway
Suite 900
Spring, TX 77386



(832) 838-9467


Office Hours

Monday: 8:00 AM—5:00 PM
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 8:00 AM—5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM—5:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM—4:00 PM

A Trusted Orthodontist in Spring, TX

Dr. Brandi Lewis attended the University of Southern Maine before attending dental school at UCLA. Next, Dr. Lewis completed her orthodontic residency at Jacksonville University in Florida before earning her board certification as an orthodontist in 2017.

During her career, Dr. Lewis has been involved with numerous dentistry organizations and is a member of local and national dental associations. She strives always to put her patients first, creating treatment plans that help them achieve the best results possible in the least amount of time.

Dr. Lewis goes out of her way to ensure that every patient she meets feels cared for, heard, and valued. She has experience working with the latest technology, including Invisalign, digital models, paperless charting, the latest appliances, digital radiography, and soft tissue laser therapy.

Spring, TX Braces

Braces in Spring, TX, work faster at aligning teeth and closing gaps than other treatments, reducing your overall treatment time at Brightside Brace. Since our custom KLOwen Stride braces don’t require some of the more complex technology or expensive equipment that newer treatments can, Spring braces are a cost-effective orthodontic option.

Traditional metal braces are one of the most efficient orthodontic tools we have. They’re made of metal or ceramic brackets affixed to the teeth, then connected by wires and tiny rubber bands or elastics.

These brackets, wires, and bands work together to apply the gentle pressure that will gradually move the teeth into the positions we want them to be in as long as you have regular adjustments with our doctors.

Spring, TX Braces & Clear Aligners: Find Your Perfect Fit

Dr. Lewis has lots of experience providing customized treatment plans for patients of all ages. When you visit our Spring, TX office for a free consultation, our talented team will attend to your particular orthodontic needs.

Using these as the basis for braces or clear aligner treatment results in a beautifully aligned smile that’s just right for you. Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Lewis at Brightside Braces to learn more about Spring orthodontics.

Spring, TX Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are the top alternative to traditional braces and are incredibly popular with patients and orthodontists in our Spring office. Instead of brackets and bands, clear aligners use a series of clear, removable trays to straighten your teeth gradually.

Our in-office aligners are made of a comfortable plastic material and customized to fit snugly over your teeth. To keep your teeth moving in the direction you want, you’ll need to switch your invisible trays out for the next one in the series every one to two weeks, as directed by Dr. Lewis.

The Brightside Braces clear aligner system can only work if you follow the recommended guidelines to a tee. You’ll need to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours per day throughout treatment. If you neglect to wear the aligners as directed, it can impede the results and add time to the orthodontic process.

Clear aligners are most efficient when correcting many common orthodontic issues. For some complex cases, there may be better options, so schedule a free consultation with Dr. Lewis at Brightside Braces in Spring to determine your eligibility.